Dr. Meron Efrem Maru
General practitioner
Institution: Efoyita health center
Dr. Misganaw Smeneh Wolie
Medical doctor
Institution: Adare General Hospital
Dr. Yihenew Degu Taye
Institution: Refugees and returnees service
Dr. Kebron Zerihun Firdawek
Medical Doctor
Institution: Blue health medical consultancy PLC
Dr. Awoke Lakew Abatihun
Institution: ALERT
Dr. Elias Tadesse Amare
General Practitioner
Institution: Blue Health medical consultancy plc
Dr. Binyam Alemu Haregu
Dr. Tamiru Dame Chimdesa
Institution: Jimma University
Dr. Fiker Eshetu Dadi
Institution: SHS Advisory
Dr. Amerti Refissa Bekele
Institution: Zewditu memorial hospitak
Dr. Ermias Abebaw Belay
Paediatrics and child health plus public health specialist
Institution: ALERT Specialized Hospital
Dr. Daniel Solomon Fentaneh
OBGYN resident
Institution: Woldia University
Dr. Haileiyesus Tesema Abebe
Institution: Adama General Hospital and Medical college
Dr. Binyam Kifle Mesfin
Institution: Private clinic
Dr. Melat Getachew Geda
Institution: Ayder referral hospital
Dr. Abreham Gebeta Alemayehu
Institution: private
Dr. Abel Kassa Ayanaw
Institution: Wegera primery hospital
Dr. Befekadu Abebe Molalegn
Institution: Adama
Dr. Nathan Muluberhan Alemseged
Emergency and Critical Care Medicine
Institution: Haramaya University
Dr. Bethlehem Abera Gebreegziabher
Institution: Saint Paul millennium medical collage
Dr. Filmona Asfaw Mekuria
Institution: Addis Ababa
Dr. Biruk Nigusie Tessfa
Medical Docter(Gp)
Institution: Mota, east gojam, ethiopia
Dr. Yonas Gashaye Bizuneh
ጠቅላላ ሐኪም
Dr. Fire Sebhat Yishar
Institution: st.paul
Dr. Ahadu Belachew Mekonnen
Dr. Teshome Tademe Tesema
General practitioner(MD)
Institution: Arba Minch General Hospital
Dr. Zerihun Deferu Bogale
Institution: Negele Arsi
Dr. Shallo Alemu Gemeda
Emergency and critical care medicine resident
Dr. Sisay Abebe BH
Institution: Government Hospital
Dr. Addis Agidew Amsale
Institution: National general hospital, addis Ababa
Dr. Yinebeb Tamiru Goshu
Institution: General Practitioner
Dr. Amanuel Alemayehu Getahun
Medical doctor/Emergency medicine and critical care
Dr. Gebremeskel Getnet Damtie
Institution: Gondar university comprehensive specialized hospital
Dr. Tinsaie Negash Ali
Institution: Debrezeit, Bishoftu
Dr. Rediet Demere Tadesse
Institution: iCMC General Hospital
Dr. Ayalneh Sharew Mihertie
Internal medicine
Institution: Dire dawa
Dr. Eyob Bekele Merid
Medical Doctor ( General Practioner)
Institution: Mizan Teppi university teaching Hospital
Dr. Aderaw Kassahun Fenta
General practioner
Institution: Debre berhan comprehensive specialized hospital
Dr. Eyerusalem Getu Teshome
Institution: Alert specialized hospital
Dr. Tewodros Bantigegn Wassihun
Institution: Kombolcha general hospital
Dr. Teferi Siyoum Merid
Institution: Harar
Dr. Berihun Wossen Assefa
Institution: Feres bet
Dr. Dr. Mohammed Mahamud Yassin
Medical doctor (GP)
Institution: Tegedie primary hospital
Senior Integrated Emergency Surgery Professional Speciality
Institution: Felege Meles Health Center and MOH
Dr. Mitiku Kuma Bulto
Dr. hana kifetew Bogale
general practitioner
Institution: FPGH
Dr. Seyoum Adamt Bayih
Medical doctor/general medical practitioner
Institution: Debremarkos university
Dr. Ayele Nuri Denbu
Institution: AMU
Dr. Meron Tefera Gizaw
Institution: Private
Dr. Fayz Sultan Jibril
Institution: summit health center, lemi kura addise abeba
Dr. Foad Adem Degu
General surgery resident
Institution: Bahirdar
Dr. Ibrahim Zeynu Asader
Institution: Amanuel mental specialized hospital
Dr. Alemu Habtie Zegeye
Institution: Oda primary hospital
Dr. Simegnew Mulat Debeb
Institution: Public
Dr. Dagem Yohannes Desalegn
Dr. Solomon Admassie Ayalew
Institution: Felegehiwot health center (Addis Ababa)
Internal Medicine Resident
Institution: AHMC
Dr. Teshome Ayalew Feleke
General medical practitioner
Institution: Addis Ababa ,piassa
Dr. Kaleab Teshome Mulisa
Institution: Government hospital
Dr. Anduamlak Melese Amere
General medical Practitioner
Institution: Mekane eyesus primary hospital
Dr. Aderajew Mequanint Takele
General surgery
Institution: DebreTabor university and hospital
Dr. Engidayehu Desalegn Fitamo
Institution: American Medical Center
Dr. Selam Altaseb Ayichew
Institution: Alert hospital
Dr. Degu Taye Tolossa
Dr. Zenash Addis Tiru
Pediatrics and child health
Institution: Resident of pediatric and child health at Jimma University
Dr. Tewodros Woldmeskel Haile
Senior General medical practitioner
Institution: SNNP Regional state
Dr. Girma Teferi Getahun
Institution: Region 3,west gojjam sekela woreda health center
Dr. Mesgana Befekadu Gebreselassie
Institution: Ethiopian public health institiute
Dr. Estifanos Endalamaw Anbaw
MD, psychiatry resident
Institution: Addis Ababa university
Dr. Mahteme Bekele Muleta
Surgery, Transplant surgery
Institution: St. Paul's Hospital Millennium Medical College
Dr. Getaneh Kassie Gashu
Institution: Finoteselam general hospital
Dr. Abera Girma Beyena
Institution: Gelemso General hospital
Dr. DR Edlam Tadesse Alemu
General Medical doctor
Institution: Tirunesh bejing
Dr. Haregewoin Meressa GebereHIwot
Dr. Bethelhem Zerfu Tefera
Institution: Tirunesh Bejing
Dr. Yirga Alemu Wubetu
Institution: University of Gondar
Dr. Bethlehem Gashaw Ketema
Institution: Alert
Dr. Rediet Mesfin Mekonnen
Institution: Unspecified
Dr. Dejenie Mengistu Gelaye
Institution: Addis ababa
Dr. Adino Melkamu Gobez
Pediatrics Resident
Institution: Tikur Anbessa Hospital
General practitionaire
Institution: Debre markose university
Dr. Tariku Alemneh Daryihun
Institution: ANH
Dr. Eden Fantaye Abera
Institution: Hallelujah clinic un specified
Dr. Yidnekachew Ayele Borga
Institution: Washington medical Center
Dr. Bereketab Dalke Abraham
Institution: Wachemo university Nigist Eleni Mohamed memorial comprehensive specialized hospital
Dr. hassen Oumer Endris
Medical docter(GP)
Institution: Kemissie General Hospital
Dr. Sosina Getachew Zewge
Institution: Sher hospital
Dr. Bera Takele Fentie
Institution: Bahirdar university
Dr. Woinshet Melaku Tegegne
Institution: Harewe health centre
Dr. Desalegn Mechal Shifa
Pediatrics and child health specialist
Institution: Arbaminch university
Internal medicine- internist
Dr. Amanuel Berkit Worku
Pediatric Cardiology
Dr. Getaneh Tafese Zewdie
Dr. Desalegn Ayalew
Dr. Tariku Hussen Hassen
MD General practitioner
Institution: ICMC general hospital
Dr. Yemisrach Temesgen Waktole
Dr. Enku Afework Demssie
Institution: Olenchiti hospital
Dr. belayneh zerihun addis
Institution: dengel specialty clinic
Dr. Henok Wubneh Dessie